Letter of Invitation (SRI National Symposium 2008) |
Coimbatore 641 003 |
Prof. C.Ramasamy
Vice Chancellor |
Ph. (O): 0422-2431788, FAX: 0422-2431672
Email: vc@tnau.ac.in |
No. TNAU /SCMS /3rd SRI symposium/2008/dated 12.07.2008
Dear All,
Sub: 3rd National Symposium on System of Rice Intensification (SRI) -
1st – 3rd Dec., 2008 at TNAU, Coimbatore - invitation - regarding
Indeed it is my pleasure to extend an invitation, on behalf of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) Coimbatore and Agriculture Department, Government of Tamil Nadu and the Organizers for the 3rd National Symposium on “System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in India – Policies, Institutions and Strategies for Scaling Up” from 1st – 3rd December, 2008. The symposium is being jointly organized by the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU); the Department of Agriculture, Government of Tamil Nadu; Department of Agriculture, the Government of Tripura, the Directorate of Rice Research (DRR), the Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI); the Directorate of Rice Development (DRD); the Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU); the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD); Watershed Support Services & Activities Network (WASSAN), the Sir Dorabji Tata Trust (SDTT); and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - ICRISAT Project, Hyderabad. Enclosed brochure provides more information.
- As you are aware, our efforts and involvement, in the last four years, while working on SRI-System of Rice Intensification has become even more relevant in the national and global context of increasing food crisis and water conflicts. As practitioners, promoters and researchers of SRI, we have significantly contributed in demonstrating SRI’s potential in increasing yields, while reducing water and other inputs. But, this is not enough, so far, our efforts primarily, if not exclusively were working with farmers, state governments to adopt SRI. Scaling up and mainstreaming this method should be our next challenge.
- The last two annual SRI symposiums organized in Hyderabad and Agartala in 2006 and 2007 respectively, brought together a diverse group of concerned individuals and agencies to share the experiences, concerns, constraints, farmers’ innovations, research priorities and policy directions that can enhance adoption and up-scaling of SRI method. These events motivated many researchers and research institutes to initiate experimental trials on SRI across the country and facilitated networking of likeminded individuals and agencies for cross sharing of experiences and training support to propagate SRI in new areas. The most significant outcome was the inclusion of SRI method in National Food Security Mission (NFSM) as one of the options to improve the productivity in rice in the country. Representatives of Government agencies and departments clearly emphasised how they want SRI to be made centre-stage. They also clearly laid out their plans for National Food Security Mission vis-à-vis SRI practices and also noted that SRI has to be encouraged with relevance to local conditions and simultaneously engaging the local bodies in its promotion. The two symposiums paved way for an annual SRI event that has become an important national platform to strengthen SRI movement in the country.
- In the wake of the above back drop the forthcoming third national symposium once again aims at providing a platform for sharing knowledge, experience in adoption of SRI including extension methodologies, farmer /scientist innovations, lessons, policy implications and related issues amongst the stakeholders.
- I would, therefore, request you to take an active part in the 3rd Symposium on SRI to enable yourselves to interact with SRI researchers, promoters, practicing farmers, policy makers & critics in the interest of promoting better water use efficiency methods in irrigated and rainfed agriculture. This would also address directly or indirectly mitigation of poverty, providing food and nutritional security besides environmental conservation in the Country.
We look forward to seeing you at Tamil Nadu in 'SRI Symposium- 2008'. |
(Prof. C. Ramasamy) |